Reports & Resources

IFPI produces a range of resources and reports providing data and analysis on the current state of the global recording industry, the way we engage with music and the role and value of record labels.

In addition to the resources featured below, IFPI offers some further materials and resources available only to members and National Groups and Local Associations – please get in touch for further details.



Music in the EU: A Global Opportunity 2024

An analysis of the social, cultural and economic value of music in the EU. Includes policy recommendations needed to support the EU music ecosystem, together with data on the EU market and case studies on the work around supporting, investing in and driving innovation for European artists.

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Global Music Report – State of the Industry

A free-to-download overview of the global recording industry in 2023 including topline data, developments in the industry and artist case studies.

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  • By clicking on the checkbox provided you acknowledge that you have read and understood the Global Music Report Terms of Use and the Global Music Report Content Usage Rules and that you agree to be bound by them.

Global Music Report – Premium Edition

The full Global Music Report including the premium ‘Data and Analysis’ section. Containing granular data for over 50 markets and indepth analysis across regions and formats.

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Engaging With Music 2023

Engaging with Music explores music listeners’ habits in 2023, across 26 markets – exploring how and when people listen to music; listeners’ views on music and artificial intelligence; how music supports our physical and mental well being; purchasing habits and the genres people are engaging with.

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The Economic Impact of Music in Europe.

The Economic Impact of Music in Europe is the first comprehensive analysis of the economic aspects of music’s vital contribution to the economies of the European Union and the UK

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The Mastering of a Music City.

A report published by Music Canada and IFPI which looks at how a vibrant music economy can generate a wide array of benefits for cities, from economic growth, job creation, and increased spending to greater tax revenues and cultural development.

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Online resources

Online resource


An online directory of licensed digital music services across the world, divided by country and service type.

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Online resource


The International Standard Recording Code (ISRC) enables recordings to be uniquely and permanently identified.

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Online resource


GRid provides a system for the unique identification of “Releases” of music over electronic networks, so that they can be managed efficiently.

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