
13th December 2018

Rightsholders unite in calling for an effective solution to the Value Gap

As the European Commission, Parliament and Council meet in Strasbourg to negotiate the Copyright Directive, a broad coalition of rightsholders have called for them to remember the original objective of the legislation, which is to correct the distortion of the digital marketplace caused by User Upload Content (UUC) services. The Value Gap is the mismatch […]

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7th December 2018

EU Commission publishes first ‘Counterfeit and Piracy Watch List’

Report highlights continuing threat of music copyright infringement, including stream ripping sites The European Commission today published its inaugural Counterfeit and Piracy Watch List, which exposes websites and marketplaces outside the EU that are responsible for counterfeiting, piracy or other forms of intellectual property abuse of European products. The list is intended both to raise […]

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21st November 2018

Joint Music Sector Statement – YouTube’s Fact-Free Fear-Mongering

YouTube’s campaign against Article 13 of the Copyright Directive shows a lack of respect for the EU democratic process of law making. The revisions to the Directive have been under discussion for over four years already and the three main institutions of the European Union have all given their position. The Commission, Council and Parliament […]

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9th November 2018

Statement from Frances Moore, Chief Executive of IFPI, in response to Google’s Anti-Piracy Paper

“We welcome Google’s recognition that it and Google’s YouTube need to operate responsibly and properly value creators and their work. However, the figures in Google’s anti-piracy paper don’t match our own. “It is difficult to get any clarity on Google’s claims as it doesn’t explain its methodology, but IFPI data shows that revenue returning to […]

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12th October 2018

IFPI calls for swift ratification of the EU-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement

IFPI, alongside 27 European business organisations, has signed a statement reiterating its strong support for the EU-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) and calling on the European Parliament to proceed with a swift ratification process, following the signature of the Agreement on 17 July 2018. Read the full letter here. For further information please / […]

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9th October 2018

IFPI releases 2018 Music Consumer Insight Report

In-depth study on global music listening habits Read the full report here IFPI has today released its Music Consumer Insight Report 2018. The report examines the ways in which music consumers aged 16-64 engage with recorded music across 20 of the world’s largest music markets. Report highlights: Music is an integral part of our lives: […]

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